gcloud cli

Before start

Setup project id and zone 1

export PROJECT_ID=<project-id>
export ZONE=<zone-code>


Check current project gcloud compute project-info describe --project <project-id>

Virtual machine

Create VM

gcloud compute instances create gcelab2 --machine-type n1-standard-2 --zone $ZONE

Get more help.

gcloud compute instances create --help

List VM

gcloud compute instances list

VM detail

gcloud compute instances describe <your_vm>

Access VM instance

Access VM via ssh.

gcloud compute ssh <your_vm> --zone $ZONE

gcloud commands

gcloud -h


Usage: gcloud [optional flags] <group | command>
  group may be           access-context-manager | ai-platform | alpha | app |
                         asset | auth | beta | bigtable | builds | components |
                         composer | compute | config | container | dataflow |
                         dataproc | datastore | debug | deployment-manager |
                         dns | domains | endpoints | filestore | firebase |
                         functions | iam | iot | kms | logging | ml |
                         ml-engine | organizations | projects | pubsub | redis |
                         resource-manager | scheduler | services | source |
                         spanner | sql | tasks | topic
  command may be         docker | feedback | help | info | init | version

For detailed information on this command and its flags, run:
  gcloud --help


gcloud config --help

gcloud help config

List config

gcloud config list
gcloud config list --all

List components

gcloud components list

Install components

Install beta.

gcloud components install beta

Start to using beta, bottom bar.

gcloud beta interactive